Entrepreneur Manual

Friday, January 9, 2009

Directional Clarity - The Child Test

As business owners and managers, we are often put to the test. We face all sorts of situations that there is not a handbook on dealing with. We need to be able to count on ourselves. Here is the test I give myself before taking action.

I imagine my child is watching me and learning from me and I ask myself "Do I want her act in the way that I am about to act?" This relates to everything. If I am disciplining someone, training them, everything. Do I want my child to learn and mimic my actions. Think about it, this approach makes you break down justifications and leads you to make a deliberate choice of doing the right thing or the wrong thing.

This "Child Test" has helped me work through countless situations. I hope it helps you do the same.


keithmtb said...

That's a great way to look at the situation. I'm going to do my best to keep my thoughts together in a tough time and try this. Thanks.

John Fairclough said...

It has helped me in so many situations. It makes things so clear. It makes you decide between right and wrong and you feel great when you know you made the hard decision to do things right.

Good Luck!