Entrepreneur Manual

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Emerging Leaders Program Overview

Emerging Business Leaders is a program that we built that brings together young, insightful, talented members of a team to develop their leadership skills. This program serves as a platform for educating members on each discipline of business structure, innovation, improvement initiative development, while developing and acting upon Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis.

The team takes on a 360 degree view of each department of the company and assesses their current culture, capacity, and internal/external interactions. They produce recommendations and options that will assist the company's growth and stability goals.

Promoting global business growth while maintaining a healthy organization is a significant challenge. Members meet weekly to brainstorm, research, and learn from one another and create a list of action items. The team members are kept accountable for both their personal and group achievements.

Keys To Success
  • Executive Sponsorship. It is critical that their is a key person in the company pushing this forward and managing the feelings that each department head may have with a team assessing its condition.
  • Member Buy-In. The team must meet their commitments.
  • Celebrate Success. Each meeting needs to have some accomplishments made between meetings. It builds momentum that cannot be overstated.
  • Accountability. The team must hold eachother accountable. This is one of the most important lessons of leadership, therefore must be reinforced every meeting. 
  • Diversity in Group. It is important that the group is well rounded, much like an executive team. The team needs to be made up of people from different areas of expertise with different personality types represented. This helps the group develop better options and allows strengths to shine through.
I hope this overview shows the opportunities that are possible in helping people dream bigger and giving them the opportunity to evoke change. It is game changing.

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