Entrepreneur Manual

Friday, August 21, 2009

Onboarding: Necessary Program or Waste of Time? Part 1 of 3

Companies often debate the value in whether to conduct a comprehensive onboarding (orientation) program or initiating new hires as quickly as possible to jump start productivity.  Apart from filling out paperwork, handing over a company handbook/benefits sheet, and perhaps issuing a company I.D., many companies do not invest the resources to properly onboard their greatest assets- their people.  However, this limited approach of sink or swim mentality will only serve to bog down HR function and supervisor’s time as the new hire will undoubtedly have addition questions in regard to not just their general role in the company, but the company’s role in general.

Onboarding programs are a vital component to every organization whether hiring an hourly technician or a top level director. In fact, onboarding timelines and program depth for executive level onboarding should increase exponentially accordingly to responsibility.  Onboarding programs that only encompass one day shortchange the new hire.  At minimum, a full week should be dedicated to onboarding.

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