Entrepreneur Manual

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thinking Correctly Under Pressure (TCUP)

I learned this exercise in London. It was quite revealing to me. Its about preparing your team for situations that may come up where they will feel under extreme pressure. By practicing it, they will be better prepared to handle pressurized situations that may arise.

How To Do It
  1. Need a room with a white board and a group of your team.
  2. Write out a scenario on the board.
  3. Write out the list of the resources the person will have to work with.
  4. Set a timer to a short amount of time (2 minutes or less usually works out well).
  5. Present the situation to one person and have them solve the situation, with no work allowed after timer sounds.
  6. Have the person explain what they did and why.
  7. Ask the rest of the group what is right and wrong with it, then define what the ideal solution would have been.
This is a simple process, but can be used in most situation. How can you help prepare your team for success in pressure filled situations?

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